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The Vibe Marathon Initiative materialized through the support of marathoners and running enthusiasts, international race directors and volunteers who are determined to bring peace and goodwill to the world through the sport of running.

It’s about the journeys you take, the paths you navigate and the people you meet along the way, so join our community and keep running with your new friends

Thanks to you!
We`re raised $3,871 so far!

donate for our cause


Mark Noble

September 22, 2020

Stephen Jacobus

September 22, 2020

Jo Sparks

September 22, 2020

Nicholas Simon

September 21, 2020

Dwayne Feliciano

September 21, 2020

Anna Bustamante

September 17, 2020

Shannon Guerrero

September 17, 2020

Gary Allen

September 17, 2020




Waiting For You

2031 West 58th Street, New York


We enable athletes with disabilities to participate in mainstream athletics

The Redy Marathon Initiative materialized through the support of marathoners and running enthusiasts, international race directors and volunteers who are determined to bring peace and goodwill to the world through the running.

Stay fit and healthy with our programs. If you feel that you are ready to change your lifestyle, find inspiration and motivation, join our community!

contact info:

Floripa Ultra Trail Run© 2025. All rights reserved.